

End to End Protection


Most chat applications do not use secured traffic encryption: all data used to communicate and share with peers is easily accessible by:

  • Mobile operators, through whom the connection is established;
  • Internet providers and networks, transmit traffic to applications’ servers;
  • App developers, and applications use servers to send the information;
  • App databases, that do not secure but store sensitive data;
  • Entities infiltrating access to the databases mentioned above that store information.

As a result, data is also vulnerable to third-party service providers. Should any third-party systems mentioned above be breached to leverage information, the communication and data are exposed.

Mobile security providers may also store encrypted copies of conversations. This means that, if an attacker obtains the public cryptographic key, sensitive information could be accessed and read.

Zero trace Chat


Vault keeps your content safe and secure. The encrypted file storage uses XTS encryption with state-of-the-art SHA hashing to encapsulate all stored data and protect it within an isolated container. When users want to access the stored information, they first need to decrypt the database on their KONTACT Phone Vault through the password or PIN authentication. The storage decrypts its contents only when the user is actively using the app. In all other instances, it remains locked to any attacker, malware, or spyware trying to access the sensitive information. When users exit the application, it automatically encrypts all data to prevent intrusion and data mining.

KONTACT Vault is integrated with our encrypted KONTACT Chat application, allowing cross access to stored files between the two Apps.
KONTACT Vault allows users to:

  • Store multiple file formats including images, audio, and video.
  • Save messages and entire conversations as encrypted notes
  • Create encrypted notes


Most chat applications do not use secured traffic encryption: all data used to communicate and share with peers is easily accessible by:

  • Mobile operators, through whom the connection is established;
  • Internet providers and networks, transmit traffic to applications’ servers;
  • App developers, applications use servers to send the information;
  • App databases, that do not secure but store sensitive data;
  • Entities infiltrating access to the databases mentioned above that store information.

As a result, data is also vulnerable to third-party service providers. Should any third-party systems mentioned above be breached to leverage information, the communication and data are exposed.

Mobile security providers may also store encrypted copies of conversations. This means that, if an attacker obtains the public cryptographic key, sensitive information could be accessed and read.


End to End Protection


Zero trace Chat

Vault keeps your content safe and secure. The encrypted file storage uses XTS encryption with state-of-the-art SHA hashing to encapsulate all stored data and protect it within an isolated container. When users want to access the stored information, they first need to decrypt the database on their KONTACT Phone Vault through the password or PIN authentication. The storage decrypts its contents only when the user is actively using the app. In all other instances, it remains locked to any attacker, malware, or spyware trying to access the sensitive information. When users exit the application, it automatically encrypts all data to prevent intrusion and data mining.

KONTACT Vault is integrated with our encrypted KONTACT Chat application, allowing cross access to stored files between the two Apps.
KONTACT Vault allows users to:

  • Store multiple file formats including images, audio, and video.
  • Save messages and entire conversations as encrypted notes
  • Create encrypted notes



KONTACT secures the user’s privacy at all levels, including app, operating system, device, and SIM. Learn more about how your communications remain secure at every layer:


Find out more about how KONTACT may be the right solution for you.